Administering Assessments Assessing Parenting Help Center

Where can I download the forms?

  1. From the Agency Dashboard, click on the Download Blank Forms button located at the top of the sidebar.
  2. Make the desired Inventory, Variant, and Language selections for the form you wish to download.
  3. Click the Download button. The download will begin automatically. If you are not prompted by your browser to choose a location for the download, the download will be sent to your default downloads location.

How do I score assessments?

  1. From the Agency Dashboard, select the inventory you wish to score an assessment for.
  2. Click on the Score Assessments button on the inventory dashboard.
  3. Follow the inventory-specific scoring instructions on the Score Assessment page.

How can I edit an assessment?

  1. Click on the Participants tab at the top of the page.
  2. Enter the Name, Agency Client ID, or Birthdate of the participant whose assessment needs edited.
  3. Select the participant from the search results. Take great care to ensure you have selected the correct participant.
  4. On the Participant Overview there will be a list of all assessments scored for the selected participant. Click on the edit link next to the assessment to be edited
  5. You will be presented with a form that will allow you to edit demographic and assessment responses for the selected assessment.
  6. After making all necessary edits, click on the Score Assessment button at the bottom of the page.

Can I delete an assessment?

Assessments cannot be deleted. One possible solution for hiding an assessment is to move the assessment to an inactive program.

Can I reassign an assessment to a different participant?

The participant for an assessment cannot be changed.

Family Development Resources